Metamorphose Figures - Cardboard Trick Puppets
© 2009 Marieluise Nordahl, born Lindner, and the participants. All rights reserved.
Vaudeville string puppets were a very popular attraction on the roving stages of the puppeteers. Within them were also colourful painted metamorphose figures made out of cardboard, the so called cardboard trick puppets. Today, nearly completely disappeared from the stage, they are stored in oblivion in the depots of museums. Therefore it is a rarity to experience the historical metamorphose figures in action on the stage of the Saxon puppeteer Johannes Fischer. In conversation with the puppeteer the film gives an insight of the front and back of his stage and shows many a fabulous transformation. At the same time it is a contemporary document of an almost extinct tradition and a portrait of one of its last protagonists.
Marieluise Nordahl, born Lindner
Thomas Kupser
Dietmar Stahl

In the next edition of JPC will be a cultural-historical, as well as museological context of the metamorphose figures with a view of their restoration aspects.

© IADA - Online-Publisher: Wolfgang Seidel
This page last changed: January 9, 2012

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