The American Institute for
Volume 26
- A Checkered Past: The Impact of Theft and Forgery on Treatment
- Brenna Campbell
- Jean Zuber et Compagnie's Le Paysage à Chasses at Willow Wall: Removal,
Treatment, and Reinstallation of an Early Nineteenth-Century Scenic
- Dianna Clise
- Bryan Draper
- FTIR Technique Used to Study Acidic Paper Manuscripts Dating from the
Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century from the Archive of the Crown of
- Núria Ferrer And M. Carme Sistach
- ASTM Lightfastness Testing of Pastels and Printed Digital Media
- Mark Gottsegen
- New Insights on Disinfection of Archival and Library Materials Using
Gamma Radiation (abstract)
- John Havermans
- Gerrit de Bruin
- To Treat of Not to Treat--That is the Question: Options for the
Conservation of Iron-Gall Ink on Paper
- Christa Hofmann
- Dubravka Jembrih-Simbürger
- Manfred Schreiner
- Rudolf Eichinger
- Puchinger Leopold
- Oliver Hahn
- Ute Henniges
- Antje Potthast
- Erna Pilch-Karrer
- The Remaking of a Modernist Icon: Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a
Staircase (No. 3)
- Scott Homolka
- Beth A. Price
- Ken Sutherland
- Paper Identification Database: Characterization and Documentation of
the Papers of the First Finnish Paper Mill, Tomasböle, 1667-1713
- István Kecskeméti
- Treatment Techniques for Persian and Arabic Bindings at the Library of
Congress (abstract)
- Yasmeen R. Khan
- The Value of the Original and the Use of the Surrogate
- Jane E. Klinger
- Enhancing the Lifespan of Paper-Based Collections (abstract)
- Jana Kolar
- Matija Strlic
- Training and Education in Paper Conservation: An International Team
- John Krill
- A. Jean E. Brown
- Nondestructive Measurement of the Gelatin Content of Historic Papers
Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
- Mark Ormsby
- Timothy Barrett
- Joseph B. Lang
- Joy Mazurek
- Michael Schilling
- What You See is Not What You Get: Deceptive Repairs and Alterations in
Old Master Prints (abstract)
- Roy Perkinson
- The Development of a Multifunctional Vacuum Chamber
- Jirí Polisenský
- Contribution of Mid-IR Fiber-Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy to the
Nondestructive Characterization of Artistic Prints (abstract)
- Simone Porcinai
- Marcello Picollo
- Anna Vila
- M. Carme Sistach
- Núria Ferrer
- José F. García
- Not the Gospel Truth: Modern Manuscript Forgeries and the Story of the
Archimedes Palimpsest (abstract)
- Abigail Quandt
- Comparing Mass Drying and Sterilization Protocols for Water-Damaged
- Randy Silverman
- Miranda Bliss
- Harold M. Erickson
- Niki Fidopiastis
- Jan Francl
- Barry Knight
- Kirk Lively
- Jirí Neuvirt
- Deborah Novotny
- Nicholas Yeager
- The Unique Story of the Kupferstichkabinett-Berlin
- Theresa Smith
- Conservation of a Group of Early Nineteenth-Century Chinese Export
Floral Paintings (abstract)
- Minah Song
- Composition and Condition of Naturally Aged European Papers
- Catherine Stephens
- Timothy Barrett
- Paul Whitmore
- Joy Mazurek
- Michael Schilling
- Walter Rantanen
- Treatment Options for Oil Stains on Paper
- Denise Stockman
- Material Characterization: A Contribution to Reduce Fake Practices in
Contemporary Prints
- Anna Vila
- José F. García
- Eggs, Milk, and Fish: A Practical Investigation of Artists' Use of
- Joan Weir
- Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2007: Digitization
and the Role of the Conservator
- Sarah Reidell, moderator
- Christine McCarthy, moderator
- The Analysis and Authentication of a Civil War Valentine
- Tish Brewer
- A Technical Study of a Painting by Suzuki Harunobu at the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston: Artist's Palette and Techniques
- Jo-Fan Huang
- Making it Stick: Paste on Paper
- Katherine Sanderson
- Artist Interviews as Tools for Diligent Conservation Practice
- Samantha Sheesley
- Historical Paper Conservation: Washing with Boiling Water Followed by
Sun Bleaching
- Theresa Smith
- A Hand-held Surface Suction Device: Design, Construction, and
- Lauren M. Varga
- Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) Re-evaluated for Paper, Book,
Papyrus, and Parchment Conservation
- Cathleen A. Baker
- A New Material for the Conservation of Papyrus
- Leyla Lau-Lamb
- The Rebacking of a Photo Album with a "Tambour" Spine
- Louiselle Bonnici
- Joseph Schiro