Book and Paper Group Annual
Volume 25 2006
The American Institute for Conservation

Volume 25


... the shuffle of things: property, properties, and propriety
Annlinn Kruger

Chinese Papers: Their Development, Characteristics, and Permanence (abstract)
Angela Wai-Sum Liu

An Examination of Lead White Discoloration and the Impact of Treatment on Paper Artifacts
Stephanie Lussier

Observations on the Mutual Influence of Asian and Western Paper Conservation Practices
T.K. McClintock

Board Reattachment and the Context of Use in Book Conservation: A Decision-Making Case Study (abstract)
Chela Metzger

Burnt But Not Lost: The Conservation of Works of Art on Paper Damaged During a Fire
Frank Mowery

Passepartout: Properties, Performance, Packaging: Reevaluation of an Environmental Package for Traveling Works of Art on Paper
Chail Norton
Soko Furuhata

Request or Protest: Serving Historic Rolled Petitions to the Public (abstract)
Susan Peckham

Performance Evaluation of Boards Containing Calcium Carbonate and Zeolites (abstract)
Cindy Connelly Ryan
Jeanette Adams
Lambertus van Zelst

The Tsar is Dead! Long Live the Tsar's Collection!
Frank Trujillo

Archives Conservators Discussion Group 2006: Humidification and Flattening
Linda Blaser, moderator
Susan Peckham, moderator

Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2006: The Changing Roles of Collections Conservation II: New Workflows and New Collection Paradigms
Whitney Baker, moderator
Christine McCarthy, moderator

No Leafcaster? No Problem! Using the Suction Table to Repair Large Lacunae in an Entire Volume
Whitney Baker

Documenting Library Conservation Treatments Using the 583 Action Note Field in the MARC Record
Jim Hinz
Babette Gehnrich

The Conservation of Historic Documents in the Archive of Bogot�
Natalia Bar�n

Dry Paper Pulpingannot:Additional Papers
Patricia D. Hamm

Two Women, One Very Large Qur'an, So Little Time: The Conservation of an Oversized Early Fifteenth-Century Mamluk Qur'an
Jane Rutherston
Karen Vidler