The American Institute for
- ASTM Paper Aging Research Program
- R. Bruce Arnold
- A Global approach: Setting Up a Preservation Program at Makerere University Library in Kampala, Uganda
- Frederick Bearman
- El�onore Kissel
- Industrial Hubris: A Revisionist History of the Papermaking Machine (Abstract)
- John Bidwell
- Gods, Kings, and Tigers: Conservation and Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings from Kotah, India (Abstract)
- Craigen W. Bowen
- Paper Splitting: A Paper Strengthening Process (Abstract)
- Jana Dambrogio
- Irene Br�ckle
- Cuba Paradigms: 1. The Johns Hopkins University Experience
- Jeanne Drewes
- Cuba Paradigms: The NEDCC Experience
- Walter Newman
- Todd Pattison
- 'If These Walls could Talk ...': Treatment of the Crawford Dining Room Collage
- Judith Emprechtinger
- Washing and Humidifying Iron Gall Ink on Paper: Effects on Iron Migration (Abstract)
- Elmer Eusman
- Kees Mensch
- Fungal Spots in a Book Dated 1854: Causative Species ID and Distribution; and Time, Source, and Method of Contamination (Abstract)
- Mary-Lou Florian
- Materials, Techniques, and Visual Perception in the Graphite Portrait Drawings of J.A.D. Ingres (Abstract)
- Ken Grant
- Wallpapers at Winterthur: Seeing Them in a 'New Light'
- Cyntia Karnes
- Julie Dennin Ream
- Elizabethi C. Wendelin
- Conservation in Brazil: Challenges and Achievements
- Olga Souza Marder
- Norma Cassares
- Solange Sette zu�iga
- Aesthetic vs. Ethics: Approaches to Remounting Asian Scroll and screen Paintings (Abstract)
- Yoshiyuki Nishio
- Paper and Politics: Working with South African Paper Conservators (Abstract)
- Elissa M. O'Loughlin
- Conservation and the Politics of Use and Value in Research Libraries
- Jan Paris
- The Best of Intentions: Reconsidered (Abstract)
- Karen L. Pavelka
- Conservation in the Holy Land: Book and Paper Conservation Activities at the Bah�'I World Centre (Abstract)
- Patrick Ravines
- Jackets Recommended: The Case for Preserving Dust Jackets in Research Libraries (Abstract)
- Randy Silverman
- Cruikshank on Paper
- Ted Stanley
- Fungal Deterioration of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Documents: A Case Study of the Tilghman Family Collection, Wye House, Easton, Maryland (Abstract)
- Hanna Szczepanowska
- R. Cavaliere
- Design Materials Used by Arthur Dove in His Late Sketches (Abstract)
- Dana M. Tepper
- Beth A. Price
- Association for the Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony of the Americas
- Amparo R. de Torres
- The Book and Paper Conservation Program at the Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart
- Friederike Zimmern
- Ingrid Schwarz
- Board Slotting: A Machine-Supported Book Conservation Method
- Friederike Zimmern
- A Pre-packaged alpha-Amylase Poulticing System: Albertina-Kompresse
- Ingrid Schwarz
- A Simple Method for Tinting Repair Papers
- Julie L. Biggs
- Barcoding at the Folger Shakespeare Library
- Linda A. Blaser
- A History of Fish Glue as an Artist's Material: Applications in Paper and Parchment Artifacts
- Tatyana Petukhova
- Binding Repairs for Special Collections at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
- Olivia Primanis
- The Use of Handheld Computers in Preservation and Conservation Settings
- Andrew Robb
- Jeanne Drewes
- Survey of Current Methods and Materials Used for the Conservation of Leather Bookbindings
- Kristen St. John