Book and Paper Group Annual
Volume 18 1999
The American Institute for Conservation

Fifteenth-Century Bookbinding Structure in Italy and the Netherlands: A Survey of Manuscripts and Printed Books
Priscilla Anderson

Conserving Iron-Gall Ink on Paper Artifacts
Julie L. Biggs

The Copy Press Process in the United States: Developments in Copy Papers and Media from 1780 to 1940 (Unavailable)
Rachel-Ray Cleveland

Comic and Cartoon Art: What's So Funny About This?
Thomas M. Edmondson

The Treatment of Chinese Portraits: An Introduction to Chinese Painting Conservation Technique
Xiangmei Gu
Yuan-li Hou
Valerie Gouet

Architectural Drawings on Transparent Paper: Modifications of Conservation Treatments
Hildegard Homburger
Barbara Korbel

Shades and Shadow-Pictures: The Materials and Techniques of American Portrait Silhouettes
Penley Knipe

A Method of Mounting Parchment Using Hair Silk
Margaret Lawson

Cloth Rebacking: Using a Modified Bradel Binding Technique
William Minter

Water Damaged Books: Washing Intact and Air Drying: A Novel(?) Approach
William Minter

The Conservation of a Contemporary Collage
Alison Norton

Sealing Odd-Shaped, Fragmentary Paper Pieces in a Mylar (Polyester) Encapsulation
Susan M. Peckham

The Wax Engraving Print-Making Process: A Commercial Success
Nancy Purinton

Art Serving Science: Solutions for the Preservation and Access of a Collection of Botanical Art and Illustration
Judith Reed
Olga Souza Marder
Laura McCann

Particles, Water, and the Mathematics of Conservation
Richard Daniel Smith

Conserving Reflections of the Civil War: Case Study of a Nineteenth-Century Panorama Box
Ted Stanley

The Tale of the Red-winged Blackbird: A Case Study of Varnish Removal from a Watercolor Painting
Pamela J. Young