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George Is Back!

George McCulloch is back in Muncie, Indiana, but it's been about 100 years since he's been here. "Oh my! How things have changed," he says. All of Muncie wants to show George the new inventions, cars, foods, and much more. Answer the questions below and tell George what you would show him if you had the chance to be his guide.

What's the first invention you describe to George? Why?

George is hungry from all that talking. What restaurant do you take him to? Is it be fast food? Why?

George notices that there are no electric railway cars, which he helped establish in Muncie. He wonders where they are. What do you tell him?

George has never seen so many cars in his life! If you could drive, what kind of car would you drive him in? Where would you go? Why?

George doesn't know there's a park named after him and a statue of him there. You decide to take him to McCulloch Park. Describe his reaction when he sees the statue. Explain to George why there's a statue of him.

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