

Updates on programs formerly at Heritage Preservation can be found online at Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation. Please visit for more information.



Our Mission: To preserve the nation’s heritage for future generations through innovative leadership, education, and programs.

Heritage Preservation Programs Transition to FAIC

Throughout its 33-year history, first as the National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property and then under its current name, Heritage Preservation has fulfilled its mission to preserve the nation’s heritage for future generations through innovative leadership and educational agendas. It has steadily advocated for the protection of cultural heritage by creating programs, publications, and easily accessed products that advance the field of conservation and serve the needs of allied preservation professions. 

Heritage Preservation’s programs have been tested and proven. Hence, they are trusted and highly valued. Their loss would be severely felt throughout the cultural heritage community. Research undertaken over the past six months indicates that several synergies exist between the programs of the DC-based Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (FAIC) and Heritage Preservation. For this reason, following the recent vote by Heritage Preservation members approving its dissolution as of June 30, 2015, several popular Heritage Preservation programs will transition to FAIC, thus ensuring their continuation.

To learn more about the disposition of Heritage Preservation’s programs – including Heritage Health Information 2014, Alliance for Response, the Conservation Assessment Program, and Heritage Preservation’s joint awards – read the release, here.

Dissolution of Heritage Preservation, Inc.

The Heritage Preservation Board of Directors recently voted to recommend dissolution of Heritage Preservation, Inc., effective June 30, 2015.  This difficult decision was based on a number of factors, including a careful and extensive review of Heritage Preservation’s programs, together with realistic current and future projections of the organization’s fiscal sustainability following the loss of annual general operating support.

In accordance with District of Columbia laws, representatives of all member organizations in good standing as of 2014 were asked to vote on the dissolution of Heritage Preservation, Inc.  In the member voting process, a majority of members had to return ballots for the vote to be effective.  A majority of those members returning ballots must have voted in favor of the dissolution for the measure to pass.  Ballots were due by April 15, 2015.

 As of 5:00 p.m. EDT on April 15, 2015, Heritage Preservation received 70 out of a possible 126 member votes, with 69 approving the dissolution and one vote against the dissolution, so the measure has passed.

The Heritage Health Information 2014: A National Collections Care Survey (HHI 2014) is the only comprehensive survey to collect data on the condition and preservation needs of our nation’s collections. Heritage Preservation, in partnership with IMLS and NEH, is pleased to present this new study as follow up to the success of the Heritage Health Index 2004.

The HHI 2014 summary report will be released by IMLS.


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