playback 1986

PLAYBACK 1996 presents the abstracts and presentations connected with a symposium, organized by BAVC, which brought together conservators, scientists, video artists, media curators, and television to explore a wide variety of issues pertaining to the preservation of videotape. The event presented the work both of individuals and interdisciplinary working groups

Note: this is not the BAVC site—you can find that at

Bay Area Video Coalition
2727 Mariposa Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco,CA 94110
Phone: 415.861.3282
Fax: 415.861.4316

"The Bay Area Video Coalition is the nation's largest noncommercial media arts center dedicated to providing access to media, education, and technology. Founded in 1976, BAVC's initial mission was to offer broadcast-quality video services to independent producers, artists, and nonprofit organizations. Today, we continue to provide access to new technologies in all aspects of media production. We are a production facility, an affordable training center, a pioneer in technology-based workforce development, and a critical resource for independent mediamakers."