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Air quality and my studies


I think the air quality stuff would be good!  I can foresee an
in Antarctica- could we talk about it on the phone?

Indoor air quality sampling is also of interest to NMA.  We are not
equi0pped to do this although our Buildings management people had a
desultory attempt to get a consultant to look at our dust problems and
major pollutants.  Again, I can relate some info of interest by phone.

I have a few committments on Thursday and Friday (smoking ceremony at
Acton and National Audit Office- fun!).

Would it be possible to meet next week?  Wednesday looks the best day
me but Tues am or Fri pm also possible.  Thursday is also out (lunch
Kate Carnell).  When do the grant applications have to be in?

I am also investigating what I need to do to upgrade my research to a
(currently have to enrol in Masters) and after speaking to Martin Thoms
(we met by chance and got talking about this since he knows a couple of
students who have recently done this) I think this is what I would like
do.  Apparently I need to get a couple of referees who have attended my
previous seminars and who know something of my work.  I am yet to
Colin but I believe that with my record of publications and the fact
I can identify original contributions to science that I would have a
reasonalbe case.  Would you be willing to be a referee (I can provide my

publications etc for you to estimate your worth but if you are too flat
out I would understand you declining).

The air quality work might build up some of the existing consultancy
that Colin et al are doing for the new NMA building at Acton.  I have
wanting to catch up with Jimbo about some salt testing.  I will also
to Vincent about some Raman work....


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