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FEMA Hurricane Katrina Deadline for Submitting a Request for Public Assistance is Here!

Received 9/29/05 6:52PM from Steve Shulman, American Association of State
and Local History (AASLH), Hurricane Katrina Recovery, Project Director.
His original message was modified from html to plain text.


Please pass this along to any nonprofit organization that may have been
affected by Hurricane Katrina:

As of noon today, Thursday, September 29, 2005, the deadline for submitting
a Request for Public Assistance to FEMA is tomorrow. Though there is a lot
to read and review, the most important thing for affected organizations to
do is to submit an RPA form (see below in BOLD [hyperlinks] or download the
attached file) before the deadline. 

Please encourage all nonprofit organizations to submit the form so that they
can obtain an ID number. They can amend their request and provide the
additional materials later, or they can choose not to follow through with
their request once they receive their ID number. The important thing to
remember is that once they have an ID number, they have more options. FEMA
and the State use the information submitted on the RPA to determine if an
applicant is eligible for public assistance. The RPA, which includes
instructions for completion, must be submitted to the State Public
Assistance Officer within 30 days of the date of declaration or designation
of an area. The form may be submitted at the applicant's briefing, by mail,
by fax, or electronically. Once submitted, the RPA becomes part of a case
management file.

The completed form can be submitted to the state FEMA Joint Field Office in
which the organization is located. They are:

FEMA Joint Field Office
Ron Sherman
1555 Eastern Blvd.
Montgomery, AL 36117

FEMA Joint Field Office 
William Lokey
1500 Main St
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

FEMA Joint Field Office 
William Carwile
1410 Riverside Dr.
Jackson, MS 39202

Here's what FEMA says:

FEMA is covering 100% of the cost of debris removal [Category A] and
emergency measures [Category B], including rental and purchase of equipment,
work performed on contract, work performed on an hourly basis, and
stabilization of collections. You must document all your expenses for these
reimbursements, maintain accurate records and photograph the damage [e.g.,
flooded basements, etc.]. 

Familiarize yourselves with two policies related to Public Assistance titled
Private Nonprofit Museum Eligibility 
(see http://www.fema.gov/rrr/pa/9521_2.shtm) and
Collections and Individual Objects Policy
(see http://www.fema.gov/rrr/pa/9524_6.shtm). 
We want to emphasize the criticality of any facility being eligible for FEMA
assistance. For example, if it's a cultural institution not open to the
general public, we won't be able to provide any assistance.

Then, download, fill out and send the Request for Public Assistance Form
(see http://www.fema.gov/rrr/pa/appfrm1.shtm or attached PDF
http://www.heritagepreservation.org/PDFS/rpa.pdf ) along with any required
attachments [tax exempt certificate, organization charter or bylaws], as
stated at the bottom of the form. And if you're a nonprofit, also send a
copy of the PNP Facility Questionnaire
We recommend that you refer to FEMA's Environmental and Historic
Preservation Web site 
http://www.fema.gov/ehp/compliance.shtm where you can download the Public
Assistance Policy Digest
http://www.fema.gov/rrr/pa/pdigest.shtm, especially since it also addresses
eligibility issues.

It is our intention to provide assistance at the earliest possible time, but
you should proceed with these measures to protect and stabilize your
collections and structures as soon as possible. 

Alan Z Aiches
Historic Preservation Specialist
Museums and Library Collections Liaison
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Joint Field Office - 1603-DR-LA
1500 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Steve Shulman
American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) 
Hurricane Katrina Recovery
Project Director

Attachment: FEMAs RPA.PDF
Description: Adobe PDF document

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