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Washington times article: Cultural treasures lost in Katrina's wake

Cultural treasures lost in Katrina's wake
The Washington Post http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/local/12613902.htm
Posted on Sun, Sep. 11, 2005


Damage tohistoric houses; damage to the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art, which was designed by Frank O. Gehry and due to open next year; the archive of Mississippi artist Walter Anderson (1903-1965); and to cultural institutions and heritage sites.

"The National Trust for Historic Preservation is already "deeply into" resurrection of the region, according to President Richard Moe. It is working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to send survey teams to assess the structural soundness of buildings.

"I think this could represent the greatest cultural disaster in the history of the country," he said. "It's not just the architecture, it's the culture, the music, the food. You can't have any of it without the architecture."

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