THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS, Vol. 2, No. 48 August 5, 1859


We have just returned from a visit to a photographic paper establishment which may with good reason be termed the most. important in existence,--we allude to that of 31. Marion, at Courbevoie. We had long desired to make this visit, when chance, without any effort of tile will on our own part, led us so near the factory that we decided on availing ourselves of tile opportunity to inspect the arrangements of the establishment winch turns out such an amazing quantity of photographic paper ready prepared and otherwise

In the midst of a whole tribe of work--people of both and every age, we distinguished 31. Marion, who, while engaged in manual operations like a simple journey-- man, kept his eye on everything that was passing around him. Guided by him we were enabled to follow all the operations in succession which the paper underwent in the hands of the several persons through whom it passed.

The woman who applied tile albumen (for in this as in most other large establishments of a similar kind, they employ a woman for this duty) was placed between two apprentices, the first of whom handed her one of the sheets of paper received from tile foreman, and which she placed in three or four basins consecutively, according to the degree of perfection it is intended that it shall undergo, after winch these sheets are fixed by the second apprentice on little wooden triangles, which are themselves supported on a larger one which traverses the whole length of the work room. Whets they are thoroughly dry, they are removed by two workmen, who finish them previous to packing up in, reams. This is all accomplished with automaton-like precision and regularity, and without the loss of a second.

Some idea of the development which photography has undergone both in France and abroad, may be formed by the enormous quantity of prepared paper sent out from this factory, almost enough to make one believe that all the inhabitants of Europe are engaged in its practice. We saw a vast case filled with it and addressed to one of our artists following the march of our army, and we looked with, respectful eye on the unsullied sheets destined, to become the irrefutable pages of a glorious history. --La Lumiere