THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS, September 4, 1858, p.34


Wolverhampton, Sept. 16th, 1858.

DEAR Sir,--Will you kindly oblige me with a few good hints on salting and albumenising paper, viz., the right sample of paper, with quantity and description of chloride best suited to obtain violet tints? I also desire a rather highly-glazed surface, which I have not yet been able to get by following the, instructions laid down in Hardwich's formula. The glaze is only slightly perceptible even with a very small quantity of water to the albumen. What would be the result of floating twice, allowing the sheet to dry in the interval? I fix and tone in one bath of hypo. and gold.

Can you explain how it is, that when I come to mount my proof the gum sinks into the paper and completely spoils it? Can it be from too much washing, or is the fault in the paper?


[To obtain a highly-glazed albumenised surface on positive paper, it is necessary to: use a thin sample of paper (we have found some of Marion's make excellent), and also not to have any water in the albumen. Either chloride of sodium or chloride of ammonium may be used (for further directions to obtain dark prints, see answer to Amateur). If the picture be still not glossy enough, we should think that it might be re-albumenised with advantage, either before making sensitive, or after tie picture is finished in this latter case, however, it must subsequently be floated on weak alcohol and water (one part spirit to four of water), in order to coagulate the albumen.

The reason why the gum sinks through time proof in mounting is, that the size is removed from the paper tinting the washings. It can be resized by soaking in a hot solution of gelatine (about 40 grains to the ounce), and dried, if it be desired to use gum ; but we should recommend the employment of starch paste, such as is employed for domestic purposes. This is by far the best cement for mounting photographs we have met with, and it has the further advantage of not requiring the picture to be sized, but it can be used at once. Apply it with a brush, and avoid, as much as possible, the presence of small gelatinous lumps of starch on the back of the picture when it is laid on the mounting card.]