THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. [Date obliterated], 1864, p.507



GENTLEMEN,--When I read in your article on the "Toovytype" that it is a matter of conjecture whether the printing has been carried, far enough or not, it appeared to me that such a state would prevent its general adoption, for it would. be very discouraging to the operator if he found many of his prints spoiled by over or under-printing. But why should this be the case? If we may not turn back the print we may the negative, if it be transferred to a gelatine film, which, thanks to Mr. Wenderoth. is now an easy thing to accomplish.

When I want to print from more negatives than I have pressure-frames to accommodate, I place the glass plates (each half the size of the negative) behind the paper, and by putting American clips at the side of the plates the paper is kept in close contact with the negative. It is easy to remove one of them without disturbing the other. The same thing-might be done in the Toovytype..

If you take a prepared plate and place the negative over it, a stout strip of glass may be placed at one end, and kept firmly in position, by clamping screws. This will maintain the relative position of the negative-and prepared surface. A glass plate the same size as the, opal glass may now be placed over the negative: if a peg be placed at each corner contact will be secured. The glass can easily be removed, and the, print be examined without any fear that the negative will not return to its original position, for it will be in precisely the same position as the paper in the ordinary method of printing.--I am, yours, &c.

Accrington, December 3,1864.

[Both methods suggested by our correspondent for watching the process of printing on opal glass seem good, and will, we doubt not, answer the purpose effectually.--EDS.]