THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS, Vol. 2, No. 45, July 5, 1859. p.227


Sir,--Being in the country a short time back, I thought I would avail myself of the opportunity of procuring fresh eggs to albumenise some paper. I had succeeded tolerably well with those we obtain in London, but I expected to be doubly successful with what the country affords.

I was, however, a good deal surprised and annoyed to find that my paper--though glossy enough--became perfectly red on the morning after sensitising, though operated upon and afterwards kept in the dark room. In the course of a day or two it became perfectly black, though light had been carefully excluded.

I used pure albumen--the eggs new-laid--and five per cent. of ordinary salt.

As I have frequently kept paper of my own albumenising a week and more without discoloration, 1 shall be obliged by your assisting me to account for my failure in this instance.

I may add, that the paper was perfectly dry, and all foreign particles excluded from the albumen--tile bath being 80 grains neutral. H. T. T.

[We should like to see this question fully discussed, as we know several very experienced photographers who state, that the result of their experience tends to show, that albumen, used for preparing positive paper, improves if it is kept for some time; and some have even gone so far as to say, that they prefer it in an incipient state of decomposition.--ED.]