THE PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS, March 1, 1861. p.107

Photographic Notes and Queries

B. L.

Sir,--Some discussion having taken place lately on the subject of the relative permanence of the old and new toning process, will you permit me to ask the gentlemen who have taken part in it, whether the idea has ever suggested itself to them, that no process of toning can ever be permanent with albumenized paper? or in other words, whether there is not a something in the composition of the natural albumen that will always, sooner or later, cause the fading of time positive proof? at least, an experience of six years, has convinced me that plain paper proofs, even by the worst of toning processes, are less liable to change, and never, as far as I have witnessed, become of that awfully jaundiced complexion (that we so often see in albumen prints) whether it be the slight trace of sulphur said to exist in the natural albumen, or from whatever cause it may arise, I fully believe that even the excellent toning process now in use, although it may tend to defer the day of doom, will not altogether avert it, instead, therefore, of devoting every attention to the toning part of the process, permit me to suggest to those who possess both time and talent to devote it to seeking some good substitute for this treacherous compound, which I fear has found more favour than it deserves, on account of ifs usefulness in time dry processes. I am, sir, yours &c. B. L.